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Poly Effects Ample Amp & Cab Sim
Ample Amp & Cab Sim
Poly Effects Ample Amp & Cab Sim
Poly Effects Ample Amp & Cab Sim, Effect Pedal for Electric Guitar, 56 Classic amplifiers from the past and present, Powerful controls and an amazing feel in a compact package – no app required, Offers a collection of classic amplifier sounds in an easy-to-use package with amazing audio quality, Enables different amplifiers on the left and right channels for bi-amp bass sounds or wider guitar combinations, A preset can be saved for each amplifier, which can be recalled simply by touching the controls, pressing the footswitches or MIDI, Direct connection to monitors, in-ears or headphones, 4096 step LED sliders that make it easy to see on stage how the controls are set, even when changing presets, Has a rich reverb that is a capture of St Albans Cathedral in the UK, Touch Slider: Gain/Luminance, Volume/Boost Level, Bass/Mid, Treble/Room, Pressure sensors: Amp Category, Preset, Amp Split, Footswitch A: Channel Bypass/Amp Category, Footswitch B: Channel Bypass/Next Preset, Input: 6.3 mm stereo jack, Output: 6.3 mm stereo jack, MIDI In/Out: 3.5 mm stereo jack, USB C connection, Power supply connection: barrel connector 5.5 x 2.1 mm, centre negative, Current consumption: 500 mA, Power supply via 9 V DC power supply unit (not included, suitable power supply unit: Art.#409939#), Dimensions (W x D x H): 102 x 112 x 60 mm, Weight: 400 g, Made in Australia@+*Note:* Battery operation is not supported.
Poly Effects
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